Precious life

Here is a lovely video about a developing baby from conception to birth.

I saw this lovely video and just had to share it with you. Think about how God forms life and develops it in the womb of a mother. Watch the video and then share it with someone who needs to learn the truth.

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Post by Travis Cryer.

Thanks to Travis Cryer who posted this on his Facebook.


  • Pamela Rose Williams

    Pamela Rose Williams, the Founder of Christianity Every Day, is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She and her husband, Dr. Michael L. Williams, have served in Christian ministry since 2001. She has a Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling degree and a Bachelor’s in Christian Education and spends most of her time as a professional editor and writer, working with many Christian authors and artists. Additionally, she works with her husband using their extensive experience in information technology to provide Christ-centered teaching and resources to people all over the world. To learn more about Pamela visit her About page.

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